domenica 21 agosto 2011

Wedding speech

Boh... mi sembrava bello tenerlo qui, nel mio blog.
Dovrebbe essere pari pari a quello che ho letto.

Good evening to everybody, first of all I want to apologize myself for my bad English, and because I read instead of ad-lib. My English is no so good, and I’m so touched about this wedding (this celebration, ricordo che l'ho aggiunto io mentre parlavo... che buffi i ricordi!), that I’m worried to not find the right words, so I preferred to write them.
I want to speak in English because I wish this could be a little present to Brian, to tell him “thanks” to make one of my closest friend so happy.
I knew Laura six years ago, in a strange and a bit crazy way, and I always think she’s a very good person. She’s smart, clever, generous. From then on, in a short time she, and her sister, has become not just a friend, but a family. She shows me the meaning of this word. She has a sister, a wonderful family, a fantastic twin
(non ricordo bene cosa ho detto qui... ma qualcosa di simile!), but she always make me feel like her sister as well. And just like sisters do, she taught me a lot of things, things that I try to recall when I’m sad.
She taught me to be grateful for the little joys of everyday life, and to remember the good things, forgetting the bad ones.
She taught me to be happy although things aren’t good, she taugh me to keep on fighting for the things I want, she taught me persistence, loyalty, togetherness.
 And I only want to tell her thanks for everything.

I wish Laura and Brian all the best for their future.
You’re fantastic people, and you deserve all the happiness in the world. I hope you two could be in love, as today you’re, for the rest of your lives.
I really love you.


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